GSPartners Parks Main Domain After US Regulatory Action

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GSPartners Parks Its Main domain after joint US / Canada Regulatory Action against MLM Investment scam.

Why did they do it?

Let’s find out…

When you go to the Main GSPartners domain ( website, you are greeted with this message…

gspartners parks their main domain

GSPartners has taken it upon themselves to park their main domain by choice.

This come after major Canadian and US Securities Regulators (in a joint task force take down) issued a bunch of ‘investor fraud warning alerts’ and ‘Cease and Desist Orders.

From Canada 5 Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec with Alberta issuing 3 different types of fraud alerts.

From the US:

Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Texas, Kentucky, Alabama and Washington have all issues investor fraud warning alerts and some states have also issued Cease and Desist orders against GSPartners.

Massachusetts has even issued a press release in the past week warning the public of GSPartners ties to criminal activity.

GSPartners and Heit even got a fraud warning from New Zealand.

Why did GSPartners get so much ‘negative’ attention from US and Canada authorities?

I think because out of greed and lust by the MLM promoters involved, they really pumped and promoted the GSPartners scam to everyone with a heart beat.

At some point, promoters in Utah were purportedly targeting new Widows and pitching them this investment scam as a means or solutions to their problems:

The domain is still up but if anyone comes to it from a US or Canadian IP Address, they are greeted with this following message:

GSPRo GsPartners Terminates ALL Canadian Investor Accounts

This comes after Josip Heit (GSPartners Kingpin) decided to Block and Terminate all US and Canadian investor accounts.

Now GSPartners has rebranded to Billionico but only time will tell if that detour will work.

In spite of all this mayhem and so many investor losses, Network Marketing distributor KEEP pumping the scheme (no matter what name /domain they are going by this week.

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