New World AI Limited Review – Legit or Big Scam?

There is no information about who owns or runs New World AI Limited on their website. They are registered with a UK Incorporation Certificate.

Does this mean they are legit?

Let’s find out…

New World AI Limited The Company:

They claim to have been around for decades…

Leverage our decades of experience transforming businesses of all shapes and sizes.

However, their domain ( was privately registered on November 6, 2023.

They have also registered with Companies House (UK Incorporation Certificate) to appear legitimate.

Sadly a companies house certificate is not a replacement for Securities Registration.

In the UK, a financial organization promising passive gains to the public must register with the UK FCA in order to be legal.

Fake Address:

They have their name to an address on Google Maps that a sports bar uses:

New World AI limited fake address

The only real business that can be seen at the address being used by New World AI LTD (25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HQ, United Kingdom) is a sports bar / restaurant called Broadleaf.

Fake New World AI LTD Office:

New World AI limited fake office

They have taken their logo and photo shopped it onto a picture of an office from the web pretending this is their headquarters.

Top Countries to New World AI LTD Website seems to be only from The Philippines right now:

New World AI limited top country

Most likely who ever is running this company is from The Philippines trying to prey on their own people.

Traffic Stats for

new world ai ltd traffic stats

Traffic only started pouring into their website on March 13, 2024 and declined steeply on March 19, 2024.


I don’t think there is a whole lot to cover here in with this new passive income opportunity.

Nothing new under the sun here…

Unknown Experts claiming to have been around for decades even though they only got registered in October 2023 with a UK Incorporation.

I don’t recommend them.


Too many red flags:

1- Anonymous Owners

2- Fake Address

3- UK Incorporations are meaningless in respects to Securities Registration

4- Photoshopped Logo on Public Office Images

5- Unsustainable Returns being promised by their affiliates promoting online

Eventually once network marketing recruitment dries up, this scheme will collapse leaving the majority of passive investors in deep losses.

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-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

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